Dead Huntsman Spider
Photo of a dead Huntsman spider.
Recommended reading:
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
Photo blog on nature, wildlife and macro entophiles photography. Photo and pictures of interesting places and landmark in Borneo and Borneo wallpaper download
Photo of a dead Huntsman spider.
Recommended reading:
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
Posted by RWS at 2:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Insect - Spider
A photo of a tropical common Huntsman Spider underneath a leave mat.
Related posts:
* Spider with missing limbs
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #3
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
* Tropical spider - Series #1
Posted by RWS at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: Insect - Spider
Photo of a tropical spider with missing limbs.
Related posts:
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #3
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
* Tropical spider - Series #1
Posted by RWS at 8:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: Insect -, Insect - Spider
A photo collection of tropical common Huntsman Spider caught with a bounty, a dead butterfly. Click on the photo for an enlarged view.
The Huntsman guarding its catch.
Dead butterfly beneath the Huntsman
Huntsman moving away with a dead butterfly
Similar posts:
* Animal Oddity - Photo of Largest Huntsman Spider
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
* Tropical spider - Series #1
Posted by RWS at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Labels: Insect -, Insect - Spider
Take a look at the photos below of Wasp spider. The yellow, black and white spider is also known as Argiope bruennichi. The Wasp spider is also similar to Saint Andrews Cross spider (sp. Argiope keyserlingii).
I know spider has unique set of eyes but I just couldn't get closer to really have zero macro shoot of the eyes. Spider bites, so I avoid the risk.
Striking pose
Close shot of wasp spider
From far: the green pouch above the spider is it's egg sac
Related posts:
* Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
* Tropical spider - Series #1
About Wasp spider |
Argiope bruennichi, or the wasp spider, is a species of orb-web spider distributed throughout central Europe, Northern Europe, north Africa and parts of Asia. Like many other members of the genus Argiope, (including St Andrew's Cross spiders), it shows striking yellow and black markings on its abdomen.
The spider builds a spiral orb web at dawn or dusk, commonly in long grass a little above ground level, taking it approximately an hour. The prominent zigzag shape called the stabilimentum, or web decoration, featured at the centre of the orb is of uncertain function, though it may be to attract insects.
When a prey item is first caught in the web, Argiope bruennichi will quickly immobilise its prey by wrapping it in silk. The prey is then bitten and then injected with a paralysing venom and a protein dissolving enzyme.
The male of the species is much smaller than the female. It can often be seen in or near a female's web waiting for her to complete her final moult, at which time she reaches sexual maturity. At this time and her chelicerae (jaws) will be soft for a short time and the male may mate with the female without the danger of being eaten.
During Summer 2006, research was carried out in the UK to find that there has been an influx of these spiders to the UK. The colour is still similar, although the yellow stripes are a bit more cream coloured.
Posted by RWS at 10:43 PM 5 comments
Labels: Insect -, Insect - Spider
Below is a photo collection of tropical Malaysian Common Huntsman spiders (Heteropoda sp.). Huntsmen do not build webs but forage for food - mostly insects and other invertebrates.
The photos are of a female Huntsman with a pouch (egg sac) full of little offspring (tiny baby spiders huh).
#1. Spider offspring dashing out from their mother's pouch
#2. Spider offspring dashing out from their mother's pouch
#3. Notice the tiny little spider (almost colourless) dangling on it's mother leg
#4. Little spider scramble to spin some tiny web.
About Huntsman Spider
Huntsman spiders are large, long-legged spiders, measuring up to 15 cm across the legs. They are mostly grey to brown, sometimes with banded legs. Many huntsman spiders, especially Delena (the flattest), and including Isopeda, Isopedella and Holconia, have rather flattened bodies adapted for living in narrow spaces under loose bark or rock crevices. This is aided by their legs which, instead of bending vertically in relation to the body, have the joints twisted so that they spread out forwards and laterally in crab-like fashion ("giant crab spiders"). Both Brown (Heteropoda) and Badge (Neosparassus) Huntsman spiders have less flattened bodies.
In general, Huntsman spiders are not regarded as dangerous, and can be considered beneficial because they feed on insects .
Related Posts:
* Wasp spider of Borneo - Argiope bruennichi (added Nov 18, 2008)
* Tropical spider - Series #1
Related Links:
* Factsheets on Huntsman Spiders
SEO: Arthropoda - Arachnida - Spider families (Araneae)
Posted by RWS at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Insect -, Insect - Spider
This is the first series on Tropical Spider. Not the best photo but the only one that is clear. The rest of the photos are either blurred or out-of-focus.
The background are the flower pots.
It was a difficult shot as the spider is so tiny and it keep moving. Macro shot is not easy if the object is tiny as the camera processing logic seems to focus better on larger object or better coloured object.
Rest assure, there will be more series on Tropical Spider. Keep visiting this blog for updates.
* Sep 10, 2008: Common Huntsman Spider - Series #2
Posted by RWS at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Labels: Insect -, Insect - Spider
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